Consumers in Health Research Training
SHP affiliated researchers and NSW consumers are invited to enrol in our free online training course and workshop.
Our courses, developed in partnership with Health Consumers NSW, foster in-depth understanding and practical skills on the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of consumer involvement in health research.
We currently run an introductory online module (Consumers in Health Research: the Basics) and an intermediate face-to-face workshop (Consumers in Health Research: the Practicalities).
Both the basic online module and intermediate workshop are suitable for consumers, as well as researchers. The costs for attending the courses are met by Sydney Health Partners.
Consumers in Health Research: the Basics
This is a self-paced online module covering the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of consumer involvement in health research. This includes the rationale for consumer involvement and different ways that consumers can be involved in health research. It’s been developed for consumers, researchers and clinicians with little or no experience partnering in health research and has been designed in consultation with consumers and researchers.
Approximate time to complete: 60 minutes. Upon completion, you are encouraged to sign up for the below workshop.
Consumers in Health Research: the Practicalities
This 4-hour face-to-face workshop brings researchers and consumers together to work on the practical aspects of partnering together in health research. It is co-facilitated by a researcher and consumer and has been designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of consumer involvement in research. This is a chance to engage with consumers and researchers and learn some practical skills. You will be required to complete the above online module before attending this workshop. Our next intermediate workshops will be held in March 2025 (5 March at The University of Sydney's Camperdown Campus and 20 March at Club Parramatta).
For the Camperdown workshop, register here
For the Parramatta workshop, register here.
Please contact us at