Diabetes and Obesity
Clinical Academic Group
Foster and accelerate the targeted translation of groundbreaking research into practice, to better the outcome of patients and communities affected by diabetes and obesity and across the lifespan.
- “Addressing equity of health care for people with chronic metabolic disease” - Developing a model to improve equity in state based, national health care systems
The DO-CAG includes internationally recognised academics and clinicians with multidisciplinary expertise in diabetes and obesity across all ages. Working groups and activities cover:
- Consumer priorities
- Mentorship
- Evidence reviews of research gaps
- Equity differences in outcomes
- Professional liaison
- Specific research studies
Leadership Team
Prof. Stephen Twigg
Prof. Louise Baur
Clin. A/Prof. Ngai Wah Cheung
Prof. Stephen Colagiuri
Prof. Maria Craig
A/Prof. Sarah Garnett
A/Prof. Sarah Glastras
Prof. Jenny Gunton
A/Prof. Samantha Hocking
A/Prof. Nathan Johnson
Clin. Prof. Glen Maberly
Adj. A/Prof. Margaret McGill
Margot Stubbs
Dr Arianne Sweeting
Dr Kathryn Williams
Andrew Wilson
Clin. Prof. Jencia Wong
Disciplines represented in the leadership team
Endocrinology, Paediatrics, Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health, Public Health, Nutrition, Dietetics, Digital Healthcare, Exercise Physiology