Exciting plans are being made our second annual National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research Showcase.

This year’s conference will be held on the 27th and 28th of July in the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney.  

For this year’s event IRNet has received the support of the University of Sydney and Sydney Health Partners, which will assist in bringing together Indigenous health and medical researchers and community leaders from around Australia, both in person and online.

Keynote addresses will be given by the Chief Executive of the National Community Controlled Health Organisation, Pat Turner, and the Chair of the Lowitja Institute, Pat Anderson.

Building on last year’s event format, the highlight of the showcase will be abstract presentations by up to 25 early and mid-career researchers.

The inaugural Showcase in February 2020 was a great success, attracting almost 180 attendees, who heard 15 invited speakers and 24 abstract presentations.

Registrations are now open. Learn more and register now.