ISHCA Grows in 2023
More than 300 people attended the second annual Implementation Science Health Conference Australia (ISHCA 23) in Sydney.

With the theme “Scale, sustain, success,” ISHCA 23 was headlined by international leaders in the fast-developing discipline of implementation science.
Associate Professor Rachel Shelton from Columbia University in New York presented on the importance of sustaining evidence-based interventions after they have been implemented in health service settings.
Professor Jeremy Grimshaw from the University of Ottowa, Canada described the establishment of implementation “laboratories” which use new audit and feedback methods to enhance quality improvement activities in hospitals.
ISHCA 23 also featured a dozen invited speakers from around Australia, 30 abstract presentations, 18 rapid-fire presentations and 43 posters.
Organisation of the two-day conference was led by Sydney Health Partners, with support from Maridulu Budyari Gumal SPHERE, the National Centre Of Implementation Science, NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Health Translation South Australia, NSW Regional Health Partners, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Melbourne Academic Centre for Health and Monash Partners.