That was one of many enthusiastic reactions from guests at the end of the 2018 Sydney Health Partners Annual Forum. More than 135 clinicians, researchers and administrators attended the event at the Children's Hospital, Westmead on August 29, to take part in discussions on the theme Bigger, faster, better: enabling the next era of translational medical research.

Keynote addresses were given by the Co-Deputy Chair of the Federal Government's National Genomics Futures Mission, Professor Kathryn North AM, and the Chair of Biomedical Translation Fund Committee at Innovation and Science Australia, Peter Wills.

Some of the issues affecting the translation of research into health systems - ethics and governance, consumer and community involvement, clinical trials capacity and data sharing and use - were tackled in lively discussion panels.
Sydney Health Partners' Executive Director, Professor Garry Jennings AO, summarised the collaborative success of Forum by telling the audience "I think today we learnt as much from you, as you did from us."