Annual Early Career Research Awards 2024
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The Sydney Health Partners Annual Early Career Research Awards for 2024 will be presented at the SHP Annual Forum on 5 June 2024.
The awards celebrate the achievements of early career researchers and clinician/ health professional researchers across SHP, who have made important contributions to clinical and health services research in SHP’s priority areas.
The recipients of these awards will be determined by a self-nomination application process that includes a statement of support from the applicant’s current research supervisor.
The award includes the following components:
- An award certificate and personalised engraved award
- A news article about your award and research area in an SHP newsletter
- An invitation to a lunch hosted by Professor Don Nutbeam, Executive Director Sydney Health Partners
- Up to 2 hours consultation and advice on any 2 of the following research-related topics:
- preparing a research proposal or funding application
- clinical trial recruitment planning
- consumer involvement in research projects
- incorporating implementation science in research design.
Applicants can apply for 1 of 5 awards:
- SHP Award for translational research addressing a health priority
- SHP Award for clinical trial excellence
- SHP Award for consumer involvement in health research
- SHP Award for researcher-health professional collaboration across the SHP partnership
- SHP Award for using research to change health practice
The deadline for applications is 5:00pm on Thursday 9 May 2024.